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GAIN (LGD-4033) is an oral SARM & one of the greatest discoveries in the supplement world and represents the pinnacle of years of research. It is a non-steroidal oral product that binds with Androgen Receptors (AR) which produces steroid-like results minus the steroids. It is the closest SARM that can be equated to an anabolic substance in terms of strength. GAIN (LGD-4033) is also the strongest of all the SARMS in terms of the size and strength you can gain.

GAIN (LGD-4033) is anticipated to yield the healing benefits of testosterone with better safety, admissibility and patient acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanism of action and its oral form of administering. It is non-toxic and the side effects are very minimal. Thus, using GAIN (LGD-4033) is recommended if you want to bulk up and drop fat. It won’t affect your liver but a full PCT is advised after running GAIN (LGD-4033). The suppression is higher than other SARMS (but lower than anabolics), thus the need for PCT. Please view our PCT section for a full suite of PCT products.

GAIN (LGD-4033)

  • Dosage:


    Concentration: 10mg/mL

    Volume: 30mL

    GAIN (LGD-4033) should be dosed at 5-10 mg, taken orally, once a day in the morning. GAIN (LGD-4033) should be ran 8-12 weeks, with 12 weeks being ideal. Each bottle has 30ml with an average dose been around 1ml (1 full dropper squirt). Each bottle will last around 30 days.

    Recommended Combinations:

    1. Bulking: GAIN (LGD-4033) is the best SARM in its class when it comes to bulking, and 10mg per day for 8 weeks will be plenty as a solo run. However, some experienced athletes will go as high as 15 or 20mg per day. During a bulking cycle with GAIN (LGD-4033) it is essential to make sure to up your calories and heavy weight train at least 3-4 times per week.

    2. Fat Loss: A good cutting stack would be combining GAIN (LGD-4033) at 5mg per day with the average doses of MASS (S4) and SHRED (GW-501516). Using GAIN (LGD-4033) by itself is not recommended for cutting, since it has to work in synergy with other SARMs for this purpose.

    3. Anabolic Steroid Stack: GAIN (LGD-4033) can be stacked as part of your anabolic steroid cycle to add lean muscle gains and strength without additional side effects. For this, you can add anywhere between 3 and 15mg per day of GAIN (LGD-4033) into your steroid cycle.

    4. Re-comping: Re-comping is done by those looking to add lean muscle mass and burn body fat at the same time. GAIN (LGD-4033) is very good at this when ran in conjunction with SHRED (GW-0742), a strict diet, cardio and weight training.

    5. AUS LABS BRIDGE STACK: GAIN (LGD-4033) is popularly used in a bridge with MASS (S4) & TEST (RAD-140) to help maintain gains and strength in between traditional steroid cycles. Run 3-5mg per day of GAIN (LGD-4033), and a moderate dose of MASS (S4) & TEST (RAD-140)GAIN (LGD-4033) should not be used during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

    Ingredients/ HPLC Purity Report

    GAIN (LGD-4033) : 4-[(2R)-2-[(1R)-2,2,2-trifluoro-1-hydroxyethyl]pyrrolidin-1-yl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrile, food-grade USP glycol, food-grade ethyl alcohol and essential oils.




    Cool and dark space like a cupboard or pantry.

    Medical References:


    • Ligand. (2009, June 17). ligand-initiates-clinical-trial-with-the-selective-androgen.
    • Fragkaki, AG( 1 ), Sakellariou, P( 1,2 ), Kiousi, P( 1 ), Kioukia-Fougia, N( 1 ), Tsivou, M( 1 ), Angelis, Y( 1 ) & Petrou, M( 3 ) n.d., ‘Human in vivo metabolism study of LGD-4033’, Drug Testing and Analysis, vol. 10, no. 11–12, pp. 1635–1645,
    • Ligand. (2011, June 06). ligand-presents-multi-dose-phase-i-data-on-lead-sarm.
    • Section of Endocrinology, D. a. (2012, March 28). The safety, pharmacokinetics, and effects of LGD-4033, a novel nonsteroidal oral, selective androgen receptor modulator, in healthy young men.
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